Farmstays - Bush walks
Horse treks - B&B & more ...

Agriculture/horticulture innovation

AgResearch's purpose is to enhance the value, productivity and profitability of Aotearoa New Zealand’s pastoral, agri-food and agri-technology sectors. Our aim to contribute to the economic growth of the country and help achieve positive environmental and social outcomes by utilising our diverse science capability - from farm systems to climate change mitigation and adaptation, to pest control and high value foods.

Sustainable dairy farming
Two South Otago farmers were great believers in the benefits to be got from farming ‘biologically’ and took pride in their using only natural fertisers, a mixture of seawater, liquid seaweed, fishmeal and vermicast from a worm farm, in which worms turned over 60 tonnes of food, cow and chicken waste.

Regenerative agriculture
Called back to the family’s 9,300 ha farm in Central Otago, after a career in banking and as a budget caravan hire entrepreneur in the USA and NZ, the eldest son decided that the best way to combat the extreme climatic conditions of drought and heat experienced in the Maniototo was to replace monoculture with ‘regenerative agriculture’.